Upgrading apache


current version of apache on my system is Apache/2.4.6 (Sangoma). My vulnerabilities scan reports multiple problems with this version of apache, and recommends upgrading to version greater than 2.4.25. I did system update through the “Updates” module, and it says there’s no updates available.
I’m thinking about adding Centos base repo and upgrading apache from there, but I’m not sure how would that affect my Freepbx install.
Any thoughts on this would be helpful.

My current Frepbx setup is:
Current PBX Version:
Current System Version:12.7.5-1805-3.sng7


Google Red Hat backporing policy. Your scan doesn’t know how to pickup the patching that RedHat does. This has been covered all over the internet before and in our forums.

Thank you for the answer, Tony. Since the issue here is only lower patch level than the latest release (major and minor version are current), could you please shed some light on why freepbx’s most recent apache version is on lover patch level than the official apache release?

Tony already did this.

Your missing the -XX at the end. That is the patch version from RedHat.

Thanks, got it!

Not very helpful.

What’s not very helpful.

tm1000’s reply (it shows in top right corner that its reply to him).
Your input was very valuable to me, and I marked is as the solution.

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