Updates did not start. Incron error? File:/var/www/html/admin/libraries/Builtin/SystemUpdates.php:113

When clicking the “Check Online” button in
Admin->Updates->System Updates
I get this error:
Updates did not start. Incron error?

I’ve tried
fwconsole chown
yum update

but I still get the error
Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? What can I try next or what should I check etc?

Current Asterisk Version: 16.19.0


So it is waiting 5 seconds to see if /dev/shm/yumwrapper/yum.lock appears then fails out if not. There is also a check for incron that would fail out sooner.

This is basically the function you are in…

Called by

thanks for the reply!
I can confirm that /dev/shm/yumwrapper/yum.lock (nor /dev/shm/yumwrapper/yum-update.log) appear.

I’m assuming that line 139
is supposed to trigger Yum to run?

How can I troubleshoot this further?
I noticed there was no /dev/shm/yumwrapper directory on the system, but /dev/shm did exist, is this normal?

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