Updated to 10.13.66-4 and now my Sangoma A200 card is no longer seen

It turns out that the problem was the password stored in freepbx_settings as somebody had found out in this thread:

I did a

update freepbx_settings SET value = ‘MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD’ WHERE keyword = ‘CDRDBPASS’;

And it fixed it…

I am not out of the woods yet as I was told when I wanted to update modules that I needed to run this:

yum upgrade nodejs

but this apparently conflicts with npm which is required for ucpnode 13.0.9…


Package npm-1.3.6-5.el6.noarch is obsoleted by nodejs-0.10.40-1.shmz65.1.6.x86_64 which is already installed

But for now I will try to get my Sangoma A200 working…

Have a nice day!
