Update roll back

Have a fairly new pbx, not in production yet, but on site.
Performed updates, not all of them, probably around 6, rebooted, then attempted to login.
The gui now errors out, I’m not sure if I’m better off pressing for and installing all updates, which right now, there are 20, or rolling back updates.

I do not know exactly which update, or if I can list all recent updates.

It’s a Freepbx on a proliant dl360, raid 1.

I’ve got installed commercial modules and don’t want to loose them.

Out of 15 or so Freepbx servers, this is the first to chock on an update and now you can’t login to gui. ssh in , works fine.

This is what I see when attempting to login to gui.

Whoops \ Exception \ ErrorException (E_ERROR)
Class ‘PicoFeed\Reader\Reader’ not found

Try this first, from ssh

fwconsole ma upgradeall

Thank you sir, giving that a try right now.


Did I mention how wise you are?
Thank you again, that worked like a charm.


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