Unable to write to /etc/wanpipe/global.conf

I notice there was a warning on the system overview occurred 7 hour ago.
“Unable to write to /etc/wanpipe/global.conf
Please change permissions on /etc/wanpipe/global.conf or disable Sangoma DIGIUM mode”

What would be impacted and How could I fix it?



Please try ‘fwconsole chown’


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do you mean in Asterisk CLI

“fwconsole chown” ?

any parameter is needed. What does the command do?



Hi @corydon SSH to your freepbx and execute this command. this is linux cli command.

fwconsole chown

this command will set the proper permissions to Freepbx system related files.

The warning is still there after fwconsole chown

Is " /etc/wanpipe/global.conf " file present in your system ? If file present with contents (some wanpipe related config parameters) then try ’ fwconsole r’ .

If file not present then try to create file by “touch /etc/wanpipe/global.conf” and please ensure permission of this file is “asterisk:asterisk” and again try to generate DAHDI configuration.

@kgupta1, I am not sure if global.conf is present. The normal linux command seems not working.
after ssh, I can only ll or ls. I tried cd/etc but didn’t work. How could I access system via normal linux commands?



I created an empty global.conf under /etc/wanpipe and rebooted the system
but the waring is still there. here is the result of ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 asterisk asterisk 0 May 21 21:00 global.conf

how could I process further?



Just delete the warning

How could I delete it?
And what is this file used for?


Not the file, the warning

Sorry, I meant deleting the warning. how to?

Just go into the dashboard and delete the warning

Thanks, @arielgrin.

I had the same problem. The /etc/wanpipe/global.conf file existed, with owner asterisk:asterisk, with content, with file permissions for both /etc/wanpipe/global.conf and /etc/wanpipe/ allowing the asterisk user to write, and with a timestamp indicating that /etc/wanpipe/global.conf is being written with each fwconsole r.

The error message appeared on the dashboard as well as with fwconsole notification --list invocation.

Clicking the “x” on the warning in the dashboard made the warning go away on both the dashboard and fwconsole notification --list

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