Unable to set correct account code on forwarded calls

On FreePBX 15 I was using the accountcodepreserve module to set the callee account code for calls that are forwarded. This module seems not to be working with FreePBX 17, i.e., in my system, if the callee forwards the call, the account code that is used is from the caller, what is not the correct behviour for billing purposes. Anyone is also experiencing this issue?

Hi @jmpg ,

Yes, there’s is an issue with accountcodepreserve module in v17. Raised bug in github, FYI issue details : Accountcode not set correctly for forwarded calls in v17 · Issue #531 · FreePBX/issue-tracker · GitHub


Hi @girishmani. I had already created an issue for it: [bug]: Unable to set correct account code on forwarded calls · Issue #530 · FreePBX/issue-tracker · GitHub. Feel free to close one of them as they are duplicated.