I am using the most recent version of FreePBX 17 and am having some issues with outgoing calls.
I am only able to make internal calls or answer incoming calls in between extensions. The message “The Person you are calling is unabalabe, please try again” appears when outgoing calls are unsuccessful.
Inbound calls are working. However, when I try to call in mobile numbers and landline numbers, It’s ringing only, and after that, “All circuits are busy now.”
You might have the wrong settings in your pjsip trunk, but the next step would be that you post the last section of your Asterisk log. You can access it using the freePBX webgui.
False. Most business-oriented providers offer “IP authentication” as an option, as do all “wholesale” providers. Also, high-end providers that supply an on-site SBC authenticate by physical connection to the SBC. In any case, the OP’s inbound calls are working, so his problem is not related to authentication.
The OP should turn on pjsip logger, paste the Asterisk log for an attempted outbound call at pastebin.com and post the link here.
He wrote “answer incoming calls in between extensions”. So I am not sure, if he meant incoming calls from outside.
But English is not my first language