"Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Pms'A required module might be disabled" error after updates

"[bksales] add --force to the end of the first command listed.
fwconsole ma downloadinstall pms --force"

Adding --force allowed the PMS module to download an install. It still shows version but pressing Apply Config no longer results in an error. The Sangoma modules that are dependent on a later PMS version are not updated but are not causing a problem that I can see.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in and particularly to bksales who suggested using the --force arguement which seems to have done the trick. Hope this fixes the rest of you folks as well.

[root@pbx backup]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall pms --force
No repos specified, using: [standard,commercial,extended] from last GUI settings

Downloading module ‘pms’
Processing pms
8112818/8112818 [============================] 100%
Finished downloading
Download completed in 4 seconds
Generating CSS…Done
Module pms version 16.0.23 successfully installed
Updating Hooks…Done
Chowning directories…Done

This fixed my issue applying configs

So I thought that this fixed my issue but on the next update, it had all the same issues again and reverted back. I figured out that my deployment had a commercial endpoint license attached to the installation. I contacted Sangoma to have the paid license removed since i only use sangoma softphones and sangoma desk phones and then reinstalled all failed modules and my whole system stabilized again. No 100% sure this was all related, but figured I would document just incase it helps someone else.

It fixed my pms issue as well as apply config. I still get this even with a purchased license but I’ll work on that another day I guess

  • EndPoint Manager module version or higher is required, you have

I have this issue sometimes too, On one particular server I discovered that at some point we had purchased the restapps module which was preventing me from upgrading EPM, which was preventing me from upgrading Sangoma Connect. Maybe I’m being cheap but I didnt really want to pay $90 to upgrade an app I’m not using to be able to upgrade the ones I do use and pay for.

The above command works on restapps when needed as well.

Same here, the Sangoma apps will not update for want of EPM

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