Unable to include the DB/mysql.php file for 'mysql://asteriskuser:amp@localhost/asterisk'

I have a problem when I’m installing freepbx 2.4 and when I launch the ./install_amp :

[root@test freepbx-2.4.0]# ./install_amp --username=asteriskuser --password=amp --debug
Checking for PEAR DB…OK
Checking for PEAR Console::Getopt…OK
Using username: asteriskuser
Using password: ***************
[DEBUG-preDB] Debug mode enabled
Checking user…OK
Checking if Asterisk is running…running with PID: 29245…OK
Checking for /etc/amportal.conf…OK
Reading /etc/amportal.conf…OK
Checking for /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf…OK
Reading /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf…OK
Using asterisk as PBX Engine
Checking for selinux…OK
Connecting to database…FAILED
[DEBUG-preDB] Unable to include the DB/mysql.php file for 'mysql://asteriskuser:amp@localhost/asterisk’
Try running ./install_amp --username=user --password=pass (using your own user and pass)
[FATAL] Cannot connect to database
[root@test freepbx-2.4.0]#

What is this error ?:
Unable to include the DB/mysql.php file for ‘mysql://asteriskuser:amp@localhost/asterisk’

A direct connexion on mysql in cli with the login and password i have provided work perfectly, so what is this issue ?

Thanks for your answers :slight_smile: