Ucp not installing/upgrading. Problems with ICU

I have Centos 6.5 running FREEPBX 14

For a few months, I have not been able to upgrade UCP and have constantly received this message when I try.

Installing ucp
Updating table ucp_sessions…Done
ICU version is: 4.2.1 requirement is 50.1.2
Error(s) installing ucp:
Failed to run installation scripts
Updating Hooks…Done

Any thoughts would be appreciated??

it is clear, upgrade your ICU version to 50.1.2

I have

uconv -V

uconv v2.1 ICU 50.1.2

I fixed this problem by doing:

apt-get install libicu52 libicu-dev icu-devtools

I am running on RasPBX (Raspbian based FreePBX). I was upgrading from v13 to v14 when I encountered the problem.

While trying to figure this out, I ended up unintalling UCP and then reinstalling. Not sure if that had an effect.