Tweaking what the ARI pages display

Hello, I’ve been trying to figure out how to change/remove the hyperlinks on the left hand side of the ARI. I figured out how to change the pages themselves

/var/www/html/recordings/modules and then edit the appropriate module.

But I’ve been searching for 2 days on the forums and around the files trying to find the left hand side hyperlinks. Can someone give me a quick nudge in the right direction.


what exactly are you trying to remove and what version are you using? there are options to enable and disable certain things.

Thanks for the reply.

I’m using FreePBX (I don’t see a version on the ARI) and I want to remove the call monitor, and the feature codes hyperlinks on the left hand side of the ARI.

for the feature codes disable the features and then they go away. As for the call monitor that one I don’t know.

The developer who has worked on that checked the messages every day or two for ones just like this so I’m sure he’ll respond when he see’s it.

OK thanks, but on the feature codes, I don’t want to disable them I just want the link gone from the ARI. Seems like it would be a simple thing just removing a few lines of code. I just don’t know where they are =(


In the recordings/modules directory, move the featurecodes.module and callmonitor.module files to /tmp and the links will be gone.

If you need them, just move them back.

Awesome!! Thanks so much!

Edit the conf file for ARI, includes/main.conf.php. Look for the line that starts like $ARI_DISABLED_MODULES. Instructions for setting the option are in the line above the option.