Trying to upgrade from 14 to 15

Bumped into another issue today. (This update was divided in two. 1/2: Update the PBX from 14 to 15 and Asterisk from 16 to 18. 2/2: Convert all ChanSIP extensions to PJSIP)

While the phones tried to re-provision, I noticed that it doesn’t pull the new configuration. So I went to pbx.ip:83 and it prompted for authentication.

This PBX does not have SysAdmin pro, and no one has manually enabled http auth.

to be sure, the http auth file actually exists:

[root@freepbx ~]# cat /etc/httpd/provis.http.auth

I searched the forums and found this post where Kapil Gupta advises to go to Sysadmin → port management → submit (without any changes)

Tried that, no luck.

Then is when I came across this post from Rob Thomas, and as you can see, http auth got enabled during the upgrade.

[root@freepbx ~]# mysql asterisk -e 'select * from sysadmin_options where `key` like "provis%"'
| key        | value |
| provisauth | both  |

So the workaround here is:

use asterisk;
update sysadmin_options set `value` = 'none' where `key` ='provisauth';

Run fwconsole reload
Then follow Kapil’s instructions mentioned above.

To confirm it worked, check for the http auth file

[root@freepbx ~]# cat /etc/httpd/provis.http.auth
cat: /etc/httpd/provis.http.auth: No such file or directory