Trying to generate LetsEncrypt cert - whole GUI hangs


I’m using the latest versions of Asterisk 13 & FreePBX 14 with all the updates as this system was just built on Thursday.

When I try to generate a certificate, the system sits at ‘Generating… Please wait’ and does nothing. I can’t open another session of the GUI in a new tab it just sits there, however I can access through SSH. Rebooting kicks it all back into life.

Ports 80 & 443 are open on the firewall, external DNS resolves to the WAN IP so, not really sure where to go from here… Any ideas? Couldn’t find any letsencrypt specific logs and I also read somewhere about making sure the server hostname was the same as the letsencrypt expected one, tried that & no change.

Only other thing that could be a pointer, the dashboard has a warning - Forced MODULEADMINWGET to true.

Thanks for reading!

Forget about generating certificate, Let’s Encrypt now supports wildcard SSLs :slight_smile: the caveat is you have to update your DNS record manually every 90 days :slight_smile: Follow the instructions on sslforfree[dot]com (this is a site approved by LE, please check “SSL for free” on LE website. I can’t link to it because I’m new user but you can find the page by searching for “acme client implementations” on google.

I’m happy to help on further questions, good luck :slight_smile:

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Just got round to setting this up, works lovely. Thanks a lot for suggesting this!

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