i have 2 new NUC’s running Freepbx 17 on Debian 12
1 is asterisk v20 (NUC1) to keep chan_sip, other is v21 (NUC2)
i had Freepbx 16 running in a VM and backed it up, restored to both NUC’s
i have a Grandstream HT802 & 1625 phone
neither will register any extension using pjsip
i have other extensions on NUC1 that register using pjsip (Crestron touch panels)
NUC1 has pjsip on 5160, NUC2 is 5060
i should be able to just point my Grandstream devices to NUC2 and they should register since they use 5060 for chan_sip?
i have tried a lot of things
what am i missing?
Hi @mkaye
When you restore the backup on the V17 system, it will have the same PJSIP port as the original system. You need to set the PJSIP listening port on the converted extensions to register.
You can find the listening port on the extension page or in Asterisk SIP settings.
no, that isn’t true
on my v21 NUC all extensions are pjsip 5060, prior to restoring some were chan_sip 5060 & pjsip 5160
Try to point your phones to the v21 NUC system IP with port 5060.
as stated in the original post, i did that
You’ll need to provide some packet captures or asterisk logs of the failing registrations for anyone to give you really any useful advice here, otherwise everyone will be just trying to guess what your problem actually is and you may have something miss configured and not realize it.
i keep getting wrong password for pjsip
2892 [2024-07-08 10:29:28] NOTICE[352609] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘192.168.xxx.xxx:5160’ - Wrong password
2893 [2024-07-08 10:31:30] NOTICE[352609] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘192.168.xxx.xxx:5160’ - Wrong password
2894 [2024-07-08 10:33:23] NOTICE[352609] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘192.168xxx.xxx:58101’ - Wrong password
2895 [2024-07-08 10:33:26] NOTICE[352609] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘192.168.xxx.xxx:5064’ - Wrong password
2896 [2024-07-08 10:33:26] NOTICE[352609] chan_sip.c: Registration from ‘sip:[email protected]’ failed for ‘192.168.xxx.xxx:27983’ - Wrong password
looks like even though i have changed the port to 5160 in my GS 1625, it is still coming in trying to use chan_sip?
chan_sip is 5060, pjsip is 5160
Confirm that you did that by putting
after the IP address or domain name of the PBX.
The field named ‘port’ is for the local end and need not be changed.
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