Transferring an audio file to the asterisk server

Hello i need help to transfer an audio file from a remote machine to the asterisk server

USB disk probably the easiest, otherwise rsync or scp to use the network.

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Can you give me an example about rsync please

rsync server1:/path/filea serverb:/path/fileb

best to

man rsync
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What kind of file? System recording, music on hold or ???

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Be more specific. Voice or music? What is the purpose of the record?

I would like to record my voice from my computer then take the file and transfer it directly to my asterisk server, i would like to have my IVR

The easiest way you can do that is to go to Administration/System Recordings

This is a good series of training videos. 23 - System Recordings - FreePBX 101 v15 - YouTube

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