Transfer to park, then page?

I have a customer who wants to transfer to park and then page across to a ring group that there is a call parked on extension whatever. Is this possible?

Park and Announce with Parking Pro:

I’m not one to just tell you to buy a module, but this seems like a good investment. You could probably spend a couple of hours writing a custom context that does the same thing, too, so if the $125 is a problem, you could write such a thing manually.

Basically, you’d have to combine the code from the parking contexts and then append the paging contexts on. It shouldn’t be too hard, but remember that you might have to update it whenever any of the parking or paging modules get updated.

I think we will buy the module. Will an additional setting be there at the ring group if there is no answer? Right now I don’t see that as an option

Park and announce becomes a destination once you have it licensed that any module can link to. It also creates its own extension so you can transfer calls right to park and announce from and phone.