Switching fom chan_sip to pjsip on FreePBX V15 / Grandstream

Our FreePBX runs with v15 and chansip. I plan to upgrade to v17. Before starting the upgrade, I would like to switch to pjsip.
Port settings are 5060 for chansip and 5064 for pjsip. No TLS / TCP/IP used. Only UDP.
We have some Grandstream VoIP-converters e.g. GXW 4248 or 4216.

When I switch a Grandstream to Port 5064 and change the extensions to pjsip, I get a “wrong password” error. In the logs, the ports count upwards (plus 2 for each extension) The first extension on each grandstream will register correctly.

We have a few non-grandstream devices, e.g. Fritz!Box that register with pjsip/5064 succesfully.

Would it be recommendable to upgrade to v16 first?
I’ve read some post with pjsip/grandstream. In many cases the reason for problems were port conflicts. I would not expect port-conflicts in my settings.

Any hints out here that could help me switching to pjsip?



Please confirm that you did this by adding :5064 to the value of SIP Server for each profile.
For example, if your PBX is at, SIP Server should be
You don’t have to change the value of Local SIP Port.

Adding :5064 to the SIP-Servers IP-address saved my day!
Thanks a lot!

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