[SOLVED] Does anyone use the Backup and Restore module?

Does anyone use the Backup and Restore module? If so how easy is it to setup?

Currently I have my freePBX on a pretty efficient desktop computer. I have an extra 1TB SATA HD and was thinking that could be my backup HD. It would be very convenient to set up the freePBX Backup and Restore module but before I go down that rabbit hole I wanted to confirm a couple of things.

Should I do a fresh install of freePBX on my extra 1TB SATA HD? Then update it?

Or do I just need to format my hard drive with the same linux file system and freePBX will just store the image on the extra HD?

This video gave me a sufficient answer.

Go to Backup and Restore module >> New Backup

Then drag full backup option over.

Save the backup locally.

Run the backup.

After complete go back into Backup and Restore module.

Click Restore on the right.

After which click local folder.

Finally download backup file and store backup how you see fit.

You can also look at the official documentation in our wiki for this and many more module user guides http://wiki.freepbx.org/display/F2/Using+the+Backup+module

I backup via FTP to our backup server as i am more comfortable in Windows. 2 minutes to setup and works flawlessly. I test restore every so often and used it just the other day when i rebuilt our PBX to newest Distro. (Had niggly issues after doing all upgrade scripts etc from 3.211 based all the way through)