[SOLVED] Asterisk 16 and FreePBX 14: Error! Unable to read /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf or it was missing a directories section


I solved.
It seems that my “asterisk.conf” file was edited by some command (maybe?).
The broken “asterisk.conf” look like this:

root@Asterisk:~# cat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf

; If we want to start Asterisk with a default verbosity for the verbose
; or debug logger channel types, then we use these settings (by default
; they are disabled).
;verbose = 5
;debug = 2

; User and group to run asterisk as. NOTE: This will require changes to
; directory and device permissions.
;runuser = asterisk             ; The user to run as. The default is root.
;rungroup = asterisk            ; The group to run as. The default is root

;defaultlanguage = es

Instead the right configuration for “asterisk.conf” was inside the “asterisk.conf.old” file, and it is:

root@Asterisk:~# cat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf.old

astetcdir => /etc/asterisk
astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdbdir => /var/lib/asterisk
astkeydir => /var/lib/asterisk
astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
astagidir => /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
astspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
astrundir => /var/run/asterisk
astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
astsbindir => /usr/sbin

;verbose = 3
;debug = 3
;refdebug = yes                 ; Enable reference count debug logging.
;alwaysfork = yes               ; Same as -F at startup.
;nofork = yes                   ; Same as -f at startup.
;quiet = yes                    ; Same as -q at startup.
;timestamp = yes                ; Same as -T at startup.
;execincludes = yes             ; Support #exec in config files.
;console = yes                  ; Run as console (same as -c at startup).
;highpriority = yes             ; Run realtime priority (same as -p at
                                ; startup).
;initcrypto = yes               ; Initialize crypto keys (same as -i at
                                ; startup).
;nocolor = yes                  ; Disable console colors.
;dontwarn = yes                 ; Disable some warnings.
;dumpcore = yes                 ; Dump core on crash (same as -g at startup).
;languageprefix = yes           ; Use the new sound prefix path syntax.
;systemname = my_system_name    ; Prefix uniqueid with a system name for
                                ; Global uniqueness issues.
;autosystemname = yes           ; Automatically set systemname to hostname,
                                ; uses 'localhost' on failure, or systemname if
                                ; set.
;mindtmfduration = 80           ; Set minimum DTMF duration in ms (default 80 ms)
                                ; If we get shorter DTMF messages, these will be
                                ; changed to the minimum duration
;maxcalls = 10                  ; Maximum amount of calls allowed.
;maxload = 0.9                  ; Asterisk stops accepting new calls if the
                                ; load average exceed this limit.
;maxfiles = 1000                ; Maximum amount of openfiles.
;minmemfree = 1                 ; In MBs, Asterisk stops accepting new calls if
                                ; the amount of free memory falls below this
                                ; watermark.
;cache_media_frames = yes       ; Cache media frames for performance
                                ; Disable this option to help track down media frame
                                ; mismanagement when using valgrind or MALLOC_DEBUG.
                                ; The cache gets in the way of determining if the
                                ; frame is used after being freed and who freed it.
                                ; NOTE: This option has no effect when Asterisk is
                                ; compiled with the LOW_MEMORY compile time option
                                ; enabled because the cache code does not exist.
                                ; Default yes
;cache_record_files = yes       ; Cache recorded sound files to another
                                ; directory during recording.
;record_cache_dir = /tmp        ; Specify cache directory (used in conjunction
                                ; with cache_record_files).
;transmit_silence = yes         ; Transmit silence while a channel is in a
                                ; waiting state, a recording only state, or
                                ; when DTMF is being generated.  Note that the
                                ; silence internally is generated in raw signed
                                ; linear format. This means that it must be
                                ; transcoded into the native format of the
                                ; channel before it can be sent to the device.
                                ; It is for this reason that this is optional,
                                ; as it may result in requiring a temporary
                                ; codec translation path for a channel that may
                                ; not otherwise require one.
;transcode_via_sln = yes        ; Build transcode paths via SLINEAR, instead of
                                ; directly.
;runuser = asterisk             ; The user to run as.
;rungroup = asterisk            ; The group to run as.
;lightbackground = yes          ; If your terminal is set for a light-colored
                                ; background.
;forceblackbackground = yes     ; Force the background of the terminal to be
                                ; black, in order for terminal colors to show
                                ; up properly.
;defaultlanguage = en           ; Default language
documentation_language = en_US  ; Set the language you want documentation
                                ; displayed in. Value is in the same format as
                                ; locale names.
;hideconnect = yes              ; Hide messages displayed when a remote console
                                ; connects and disconnects.
;lockconfdir = no               ; Protect the directory containing the
                                ; configuration files (/etc/asterisk) with a
                                ; lock.
;stdexten = gosub               ; How to invoke the extensions.conf stdexten.
                                ; macro - Invoke the stdexten using a macro as
                                ;         done by legacy Asterisk versions.
                                ; gosub - Invoke the stdexten using a gosub as
                                ;         documented in extensions.conf.sample.
                                ; Default gosub.
;live_dangerously = no          ; Enable the execution of 'dangerous' dialplan
                                ; functions from external sources (AMI,
                                ; etc.) These functions (such as SHELL) are
                                ; considered dangerous because they can allow
                                ; privilege escalation.
                                ; Default no
;entityid=00:11:22:33:44:55     ; Entity ID.
                                ; This is in the form of a MAC address.
                                ; It should be universally unique.
                                ; It must be unique between servers communicating
                                ; with a protocol that uses this value.
                                ; This is currently is used by DUNDi and
                                ; Exchanging Device and Mailbox State
                                ; using protocols: XMPP, Corosync and PJSIP.
;rtp_use_dynamic = yes          ; When set to "yes" RTP dynamic payload types
                                ; are assigned dynamically per RTP instance vs.
                                ; allowing Asterisk to globally initialize them
                                ; to pre-designated numbers (defaults to "yes").
;rtp_pt_dynamic = 35            ; Normally the Dynamic RTP Payload Type numbers
                                ; are 96-127, which allow just 32 formats. The
                                ; starting point 35 enables the range 35-63 and
                                ; allows 29 additional formats. When you use
                                ; more than 32 formats in the dynamic range and
                                ; calls are not accepted by a remote
                                ; implementation, please report this and go
                                ; back to value 96.

; Changing the following lines may compromise your security.
;astctlpermissions = 0660
;astctlowner = root
;astctlgroup = apache
;astctl = asterisk.ctl

I don’t know how this happened.
I solved changing the “asterisk.conf” with “asterisk.conf.old”, after that I runned again “./install -n”

sudo cp /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf.old /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf

Thank you

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