SIP trunk not registering

I have some DID lines that require registration with my IPTSP. They DID Lines are currently working fine with a 3CX inhouse IPPBX. I am moving them to a Elastix distro. The DID will not register on the Elastix server. I got the registration string below from the provider.


Sample string:
[email protected]:IPCTest:[email protected]:5060/9542510116
[email protected]:IPCTest:[email protected]:5060/9542510117

I have the username and password for the test account. My IPPBX is on the public Internet. I replaced the private IP section on the registration string with my public IP. The account will not register. I included an Authirization ID as part of the registration string it still will not work. Can someone help?

When I perform a sip show registry I see the following:

Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time N 3728375675 105 Registered Fri, 04 Jan 2013 01:29:40 N 9543808321@1 120 Request Sent N 9543808317@9 120 Request Sent N 9543808317@9 120 Request Sent N 9543808323@1 120 Request Sent N 9543808321@f 120 Request Sent N 9542510117@f 120 Request Sent N 9542510116@f 120 Request Sent N 9543808323@9 120 Request Sent N 9543808322@9 120 Request Sent N 9543808321@9 120 Request Sent N 9542510117@9 120 Request Sent N 9542510116@9 120 Request Sent
13 SIP registrations.

I’m assuming you configured this as a SIP trunk; can you post the relevant section of the sip_additional.conf file that was created (excluding the passwords)?

Elastix in all their wisdom do not use a legitimate FreePBX, they use their own package and wrap a whole bunch of software around it. so perhaps you need to ask there first.

That you do not get a reply to your registration requests means that your network (or the Elastix Firewall) or your vsp is just not working, until

nmap -sU -p 5060

responds “good” which it doesn’t for me, it just won’t work, a brief google for HOTWIRE COMMUNICATIONS suggest they are notoriously incompetent.