Sharing voicemail box in sangoma talk

Is this doable? Several people want to be able to monitor the main voicemail box from their app without using UCP or just listening to it over email. Thanks.


I also need this. I’ve tried creating contacts like I create BLFs on phones (*98XXX), but it doesn’t work.


This is a feature I have been hoping for as well. I don’t think it is possible currently.

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That sounds like a convenient feature - not sure if it is currently doable without some custom work.

Have you looked into the Voicemail Blasting and/or Voicemail Notifications modules for some ideas on workarounds ?

You could probably do it with Comedian Mail’s "alian’ feature after RTFM and understanding FreePBX’ use of user/device


is not 1-to-1 and 'aliencomtext] might be reusable if untouched by FreePBX

That has no bearing on voicemail accounts.

Well it does actually as the alias function maps the contexts device and default (well current context), in FreePBX


You are conflating how Asterisk works with how FreePBX uses it. The use of @default or @device is a choice by FreePBX. Voicemail uses contexts to allow for the same mailbox to exist in different contexts (i.e. multi-tenant). So 100@default and 100@domain1 are two different mailboxes/users in voicemail. You could alias 100@default to 100@domain1.

More so, you don’t need an “extension” in order to have a mailbox in Asterisk. You could have mailbox 1014@mydomain in voicemail.conf and never once have any dialplan extension match 1014. It could be exten = 100,1,VoiceMailMain(1014@mydomain)

For the request in question, the commercial modules can help with that. Also, they could use a BLF on the device to watch the mailbox in question. They could also go into the extension settings under the Advanced tab and in the Mailbox field put 100@device,101@device,102@device. So if extension 100 has that in the Mailbox field it means the system will allow that user to subscribe to those mailboxes for MWI or get unsolicited MWI notifies when a voicemail is left in any of those mailboxes.

So FreePBX being in Extensions mode or User/Device mode actually has no bearing on how voicemail functions or can be configured or the chan_pjsip config. If I log into a device as a user all that does is associate the endpoint/aor of the user to that phone (i.e. loads a config with that user/pass details) and the mailboxes= setting in the AOR (or endpoint) config is the mailboxes that voicemail will send MWI for to the device or allow the device to subscribe to (since it’s using the pjsip endpoint details).

User/Device is a FreePBX thing not an Asterisk thing.

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