Setting up remote user - he can't hear me talking

I know this is a beaten down subject, but after much searching around and trying things, I’m still stuck. I got my sales guy setup on X-Lite remotely so that he can work from home.

Forwarded ports 4569, 5004 to 5037, 5039 to 5082, and 10000 to 20000 on our firewall. Disabled firewalld on CentOS. External and local network fields, as well as RTP port ranges are all set in the SIP settings module.

I’ve tried calling him from both my desk endpoint as well as my cell phone. Either way, I can hear him, but he can’t hear me. Running X-Lite from my desktop (same network as FreePBX server), I can have a 2 way conversation.

What else can I try?

Verify the remote station is setup to use NAT. If you have SIP ALG turned on anywhere, turn it off it usually causes more harm than good.

I was kind of thinking about this, he’s going through a consumer router so who knows how it’s setup. Best to turn on port forwarding on his end as well?

It’s worth trying. In general though the extensions actively register with a user name and password so they reach out through the firewall establishing a kind of temporary pinhole. It’s the firewall’s job to remember which ports were opened and get the audio back to the phone through the correct path.

Also verify the PC using the X-Lite doesn’t have it’s own firewall which is causing issues and be sure to forward the SIP control port (usually UDP 5060).

Using tcpdump on your FreePBX then analyzing the output in Wireshark would probably provide some useful information.