Sending display name on outbound to external trunk

Hi All,

We utilise an external company as a man in the middle for teams connectivity. It all works great by sending calls down a dedicated trunk however we can’t get display names to cross the link only the 4 digit extension number - Therefore calls reaching teams only show as coming from 5001 etc

I’ve been through most, if not all settings in the trunk and outbound route but can’t get the system to pass the name

I believe it’s something to do with CNAM which I have Block CNAM on External Trunks set to NO under advanced settings and the trunk set as intra-company.

Just to add - From the logs I see;


I can’t see why it’s ‘Hidden’

Can someone advise/point me in the right direction?

The 0? shows that the condition being tested was false, so that Set did not happen.

Please paste the Asterisk log for a complete call at and post the link here.

Log showing 5002 (Internal) calling 3121 (Number on Teams)

AFAICT, CALLERID(Name) was set correctly to Workshop on line 100458 and not overwritten until the call was made on line 100559. Possibly, it wasn’t sent in the correct header on the trunk, or the remote end didn’t interpret it properly.

At an Asterisk command prompt, type
pjsip set logger on
make another test call, and paste the new log.

Thank you!

New log below. I think I caught it all, it’s a busy system and I didn’t realise how much would get logged in such a short space of time. On my glancing, I may be wrong, but it looks like the display name is sent?

The callerid name is present in the From header as “Workshop” on the outgoing call, yes.

The name Workshop was correctly sent in the From header, but the trunking provider possibly also wants a P-Asserted-Identity, P-Preferred-Identity and/or Privacy header. Check their documentation and open a ticket with them if it isn’t clear.

Thanks both, I’ll speak to them today - I did switch on P-Asserted and Preferred yesterday at the trunk level but it didn’t make any difference

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