I think that in general, as I have argued on other occasions, that FreePbx from a qualitative point of view has undergone and is undergoing a continuous deterioration… even for paying customers.
In short, the guides are half-baked and unclear, let’s take the last Scribe example…ok, useful, maybe we could have done better (for example, activate the possibility of transcription on the queues…) if you go to the wiki https:/ /sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PG/pages/488898594/Scribe you are redirected to links on Atliassian\ Confluence which cannot be accessed (one copy and paste too many???) some parts are missing from the document fundamental, i.e. not only that scribe must be activated at Group level, but that in turn the registrations must be forced on each individual user in the extension settings. It is also not clarified why I find myself with 3 recordings for each phone call, something like…cloud storage is not exactly cheap…finally the icing on the cake, since nothing was working we opened the log and surprise, Scribe only works with the English language! ok I’m fine with it, but specify it before someone buys your licenses!!!
Those (two?) loopback anchor links are being addressed by the Sangoma internal documentation team.
The combinations are many to consider, yes, because of the way that permissions can be handled at both the Group and User levels. This is very much a site-specific issue. But, if you follow the screenshots, for example User Manager - User Level and set users to “Inherit” as the picture shows, then they should get the permissions of the Group that they are members of.
the links are those that point to Atlassian \ Confluence and which are scattered here and there on the website, for example also in https://www.freepbx.org/add-on/scribe-for-freepbx/ under User Guide and not just in the wiki section
As for the screenshots, some parts are missing, it is not enough to manage scribe at group level in the user manager but the recording function must be enabled for each extension inserted in the group itself
I understand the mix monitor option, where a new config is added in advanced setting under the post recordings item, but for each recording 3 files were created that were identical in size and ended with file_recv.wav, file.wav and file_tran.wav, I repeat all of them equal in size and timestamp
Ok that for the moment it is only English, but why omit such important information and find out after the purchase. Also because other languages are listed on https://deepgram.com/