Sangoma Portal RegisterPhone 404 Error

The link gives a 404 error. I reach that page by clicking the “Register Phone” button on the Phones tab of the PBX.

To Replicate:

  1. Log in to the portal
  2. Go to Products -> PBX -> List
  3. Click the button to edit a deployment
  4. Go to Phones tab
  5. Click Register Phone

Confirmed, I’ve opened a ticket. As a work around, browse to My Products, Sangoma Phones, List and use the green button at the top to claim a phone.

My Products, Sangoma Phones, List and use the green button at the top to claim a phone does not work for me. Eventually it just times out and says there was a problem. Issue occurs with Chrome and Firefox browsers. I opened a ticket on this Saturday with no reply yet.

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