Sangoma Phone not getting IP after downloading FreePBX config

Installed new FreePBX server: FreePBX
Running Sangoma: 305 and 705 phones
VLAN Voice: 701 -tagged
VLAN data: 1 - not tagged

When phone is provisioned from the server, the phone will not bind to an IP. The DHCP server is offering an IP, but the phone is not taking it. Sangoma support believes the issue is with the PBX configuration.

I have tried to set both vlans to 701 and am still seeing the same issue.

I was able to pull some logs from a phone that was having issues, I do not know what to make of the data.

3 hours of the same error:

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=12162 Pno=65535 Event=32 NetId=0x1001f…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=12163 Pno=65535 Event=25 NetId=0x1001f…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS:IniNodeSocket OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=12164 Pno=65535 Event=32 NetId=0x10020…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=12165 Pno=65535 Event=25 NetId=0x10020…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS:IniNodeSocket OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=12166 Pno=65535 Event=32 NetId=0x10021…

Then this works after 3 hours:

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS:IniNodeSocket OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MSDspLibIni …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Ti3100: dac_samlpe_hz is 8000 already
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] BSP: SetCodec 8KHz
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MSToneLibInit …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: TONE_INDEX_RING_MUTE TotalLen 1600 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Ring1 file len 48000
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: ToneId 90 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Ring2 file len 40000
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: ToneId 91 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Ring3 file len 40000
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: ToneId 92 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Ring4 file len 131072
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: ToneId 93 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Ring5 file len 131072
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: ToneId 94 Load OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Read Ring File: Open ring file /etc_ro/res/ring6.bin fail! fd -1
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Read Ring File: Open ring file /etc_ro/res/ring7.bin fail! fd -1
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Read Ring File: Open ring file /etc_ro/res/ring8.bin fail! fd -1
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ######### Read Test g722 file len 34816
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MSConfLibInit …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] InitPnP …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] InitSche …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 4, TaskId 8 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 5, TaskId 9 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 6, TaskId 10 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 8, TaskId 11 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 9, TaskId 12 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 10, TaskId 13 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CreatSchTask: PNO 13, TaskId 14 OK
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ScheOne Initialized success!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] OSS system Initialized success!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] upgrade_thread Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Web server Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] HLGetDNS Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] HLStun Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] LLDP Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] PCAP Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Action URL Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TR069 Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] HL EHS MODE…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Check IP Conflict Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CDP Task Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=161 Pno=65535 Event=34 NetId=0x0…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0x 0 SrcPort=65516 Pno=65535 Event=37 NetId=0x0…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] InitUDPSocket PlanetUdpRevEvent
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Planet InitUDPSocket OK!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Planet Create UDP Socket OK!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=60000 Pno=17200 Event=4115 NetId=0x80000008…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP Process Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP: sip trace init …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP: aid 0 RegTimer Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP: aid 1 RegTimer Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP: aid 2 RegTimer Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP: aid 3 RegTimer Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MultiCast Paging Init Start …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: resolv.conf: nameserver
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: GetDns from resolv.conf:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: resolv.conf: nameserver
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: resolv.conf: nameserver
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: GetDns from resolv.conf:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] iNet: DHCP Get IP 0xc0a807c6, GW 0xc0a80701, NetMask 0xffffff00, DNS1 0x8080808, DNS2 0xc0a80701
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] dhcpcSetIP2CfgCallBack:6896======>>>>>dst->BasicIPAddr=
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CFG1: aid 1, set to invalid
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] WanIPMode: DHCP
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Wan IP Address:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Wan IP Netmask:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Wan IP NextHop:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNS Server 1 :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNS Server 2 :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNSSpecialSer :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP Server :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] dwTimeOffset : 0
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DHCP_TFTPSerName:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DHCP_TFTPSer :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DHCP_NTPSer :
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] LCMEntry…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] IniSipMcastUdp: Create UdpSocket OK pos 91!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Xmpp Control Process Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CALL: Call Control Process Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MSDspStopMute:2119####
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Xmpp Loop Task Start …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Bluetooth Scan Task Start …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] server_contact_photo Task Start …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] WIFI contrl Start …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] chn=0, AEC_switch = 0
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] MS: Chn 0 MSDspStopSendRev
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] FXS Call Control Process Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 0 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 0 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 1 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 1 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 2 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 2 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 3 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 3 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SIP Detect Control Process Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=65500 Pno=13 Event=4213 NetId=0x80000000…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] 305 DO NOT NEED TO RUN EHS MODE
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SipDetect_InitSocket: Create UdpSocket OK pos 92 aid 0!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=65501 Pno=13 Event=4213 NetId=0x80000001…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SipDetect_InitSocket: Create UdpSocket OK pos 93 aid 1!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=65502 Pno=13 Event=4213 NetId=0x80000002…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SipDetect_InitSocket: Create UdpSocket OK pos 94 aid 2!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Create Udp Socket: SrcIp=0xc0a807c6 SrcPort=65503 Pno=13 Event=4213 NetId=0x80000003…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SipDetect_InitSocket: Create UdpSocket OK pos 95 aid 3!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] sip tcp lib init: Start SipTcp ScanTask OK!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] sip tcp lib init: Start SipTcp ProTask OK!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: Load All TrustedCert …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: commonName: Sangoma Root Certificate Authority
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
CheckCAFile: File /hlfs/ca/ca0.pem, Check OK:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] =======================================================
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer country: CA
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer state: Ontario
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer locality: Toronto
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer organization: Sangoma Corporation
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer orgUnit: PKI
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] issuer commonName: Sangoma Root Certificate Authority
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject country: CA
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject state: Ontario
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject locality: Toronto
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject organization: Sangoma Corporation
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject orgUnit: PKI
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] subject commonName: Sangoma Root Certificate Authority
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] notBeforeTimeType: 23
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] notAfterTimeType: 23
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] not Before: Jan 29 07:33:38 2016 GMT
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] not After: Jan 24 07:33:38 2036 GMT
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] =======================================================
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: commonName: Sangoma Root Certificate Authority
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: Load All(1) TrustedCert Success!!!

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: Load Server Certs Info …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: Load Server Cert Info Success!!!

[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] sips: Start sips ScanTask OK!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] sips: Start sips ProTask OK!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] sips: SIP TLS ProTask Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ActionUrlTask Start…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] addr: is IPV4 address
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNSC: index 0 current dns_num 0 switch to DNS_1 addr: !
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNSC: resolv HostName –
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] BLACKBLOCK: Initialization SUCCESS~!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] WEBS: add user admin:222222 success
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] WEBS: add user user:111111 success
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] webs: SslOpen Success!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] TLS: commonName: localhost
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] webs: SslLoadRsaKeys Success!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] webs: Listening for HTTPS requests at port 443
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]


[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] if_index[2]—
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] DNSC: Domain, ip, TTL 149
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: TimeZoneChange, But SynNTPTime Fail!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: DST Type Change, But SynNTPTime Fail!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: NTP Server1 IP:
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: GetNtpTime from OK, 1592418083 seconds
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80]
Set time [1592418083] seconds to linux
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Update the local time to flash for phone :2020-06-17 18:21:23
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash: cfg_if.c:11199
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] =======SET ADMIN USER INFO SUCCESS=========
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] =======SET USER INFO SUCCESS=========
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] UpdateTonesByTemplate:12894CountryCode28*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Please Config the identity
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Running wpa_supplicant!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] 8021X eap_mode :0 Not available
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Write wpa_supplicant_wifi_p.conf len[165]
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] RTOS_Upgrade: Will Parse Config Server Path
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ParseSerPathStr:====== addr is
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ParseSerPathStr: ip is, 0xc0a8070a
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ParseSerPathStr:====== addr is
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ParseSerPathStr: ip is, 0xc0a8070a
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] ParseSerPathStr: path is sangoma/1
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] IPv6 Addr Needn’t Refresh!!!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] BT_Hciconfig_Set_Device_Up:: Can’t get device info…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] BT_Hciconfig_Set_Device_Up:: Can’t get device info…
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash_DEBUG:2444=======aid 2, LocalSipPort Change!!=======haven’t UnReg=======
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Close Udp Socket: SrcIpAddr=0x0 SrcPort=0 Pno=0 Event=0 NetId=0x0 …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Close Udp Socket: Invalid, HPS_UDP_Table[96].use = 0 !
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash_DEBUG:2444=======aid 3, LocalSipPort Change!!=======haven’t UnReg=======
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Close Udp Socket: SrcIpAddr=0x0 SrcPort=0 Pno=0 Event=0 NetId=0x0 …
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Close Udp Socket: Invalid, HPS_UDP_Table[96].use = 0 !
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] CFG1: aid 1, set to invalid
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash_DEBUG:2462=======aid 2, LocalSipPort Change!!=======haven’t UnReg=======
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash_DEBUG:2462=======aid 3, LocalSipPort Change!!=======haven’t UnReg=======
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 0 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 0 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 1 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 1 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 2 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 2 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 3 digitmap: x+#|xx+*
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Chn 3 use default digitmap: {[x*]+}
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] Image_1 Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] WriteHlcfgFile:write hlcfg file sucessed !
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] SaveCfg2Flash:save Cfg file to Flash Sucessed!
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] wan port speed need not to change :current mode 0
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] pc port link setting need not to change :current mode 0
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: Adjust Time Thru Zone, DST is Manually Enable
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: AdjustTimeZone, 835017683 seconds
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: Old Count1s is 0
[06-17 18:16:32 52:d8:80] NTP: New Count1s is 835017683
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] <Set SoftClock from 2020-06-17 18:16:32 to 2020-06-17 13:21:23>
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] /hlfs/head_fw305.rom Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] get_wan_port_link_duplex:562 #######port_link_duplex 1#######
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] /hlfs/head_fw305.rom Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] get_wan_port_link_duplex:562 #######port_link_duplex 1#######
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] /hlfs/head_fw305.rom Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 13:21:23 52:d8:80] get_wan_port_link_duplex:562 #######port_link_duplex 1#######
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] mkdir /tmp/sysphoto/
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] RTOS_Upgrade: voip get image manage header sucessed
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] mtdInfo: /dev/mtd2 type=3, flags=3072, size=131072, erasesize=65536
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] /dev/mtd2 Read :located OK
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] /dev/mtd2 Read :len = 512
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] FLASH RECORD:FLAG=0x20170316
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] FLASH RECORD:Get old record
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] FLASH RECORD:flag=0x20170316 start_boot_count 0x2c,start_voip_count 0x2c update_location 0x0 record->fw_server
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] mtdInfo: /dev/mtd2 type=3, flags=3072, size=131072, erasesize=65536
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] /dev/mtd2 Read :located OK
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] /dev/mtd2 Read :len = 65536
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] /hlfs/head_fw305.rom Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 13:21:24 52:d8:80] get_wan_port_link_duplex:562 #######port_link_duplex 1#######
[06-17 13:21:25 52:d8:80] boot flag mtd flash Write:len = 65536
[06-17 13:21:25 52:d8:80] FLASH RECORD:Save record success
[06-17 13:21:25 52:d8:80] /hlfs/head_fw305.rom Read Head: len = 512
[06-17 13:21:25 52:d8:80] get_wan_port_link_duplex:562 #######port_link_duplex 1#######
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] Copyromfromflash: Copy rom file from MTD5 failed !!!
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] RTOS_Upgrade: Start, Wait Network Ready…
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] RTOS_Upgrade: running…
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] WanLinkStatus = WAN_PORT_LINK!!!
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – timezone

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – ntpsrv

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – tftp

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_67

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_100

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_120

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_128

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_150

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – lease_seconds

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – vlan_id

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_133

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_43

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_bt_wf

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] set_test_bt_wifi_str: buff is wrong
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC:no get 802.1P set to 0
[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – timezone

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – ntpsrv

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – tftp

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_67

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_100

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_120

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_128

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_150

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – lease_seconds

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – vlan_id

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_133

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_43

[06-17 13:21:26 52:d8:80] DHCPC: OptionValue – hl_use_bt_wf


Any ideas why the phone would be acting like this once it receives the provisioning file from the server?

Thank you

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