Sangoma Chat mobile app

Hey guys, having an issue and not be able to login to Sangoma Chat on my mobile. With the same credentials I can login fine to UCP, SangomaConnect and etc. What should I look for?

Hi @ivana72

Please ensure settings are good and then look for the sangomartapi logg

how to check logs wiki -

Best Regards

Thanks, what I see under rtapi.log is that “…Target is not a user account…or subscribed to service …”
Not sure what to change since I can login to SangomaDesktop, UCP and SangomaTalk.

I uploaded the debug log file to my Sangoma case.

well…the issue is resolved. Under Advanced, I had to enable “Enable Favorite Contacts=Yes”. Didn’t expect that but I can login to Sangoma Chat now, I verified that on other servers I had to do the same to be able to login to Chat for mobile.

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