S3 compatable storage - Amazon replacement (Backblaze B2)

I am very interested in backing up my call recordings on a schedule, using the built in FPBX backup module. I see there is an Amazon S3 option. I typically like to use BackBlaze B2 (an S3 compatible storage provider) Does the backup module support BackBlaze B2 as a storage location? https://www.backblaze.com/b2/cloud-storage.html

** crickets ** Anyone :slight_smile: ?

There is only direct support for S3, which you can see by the region dropdown menu.


Use rclone to send you files to B2.
It is available from the Sangoma EPEL repo.

And rclone natively supports B2.

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Oh nice! I’ll give it a shot. Thanks

I opened https://issues.freepbx.org/browse/FREEPBX-22083


Thank you, James!

custom s3 server option would be awesome!

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Note I have submitted a PR for this tested against google cloud storage.


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