[root@freepbx ~]# /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf [FATAL] Running an unsupported version of Asterisk

I did a version switch to Asterisk 16.4.1 on a new install and now I am getting this error. I have been using 16.4.1 on several servers without issues but on this new install I am getting this.

[root@freepbx ~]# /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf
[FATAL] Running an unsupported version of Asterisk. Supported Asterisk versions: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Detected Asterisk version: 16.4.1

And what version of FreePBX are you using?

PBX Firmware:


PBX Service Pack:

Hi @masher81
Try to stop Asterisk and then start it again.
fwconsole stop asterisk
fwconsole start asterisk

if not works you can try to re-install asterisk version again.

` # asterisk-version-switch ’

Pick the Asterisk Version you would like to change to.
Press 1 and the Enter key for Asterisk 13 (LTS) (With Opus and G729 codecs)
Press 2 and the Enter key for Asterisk 15 (With Opus and G729 codecs)
Press 3 and the Enter key for Asterisk 16 (LTS) (With Opus and G729 codecs)
Press 9 and the Enter key to exit and not change your Asterisk Version
Select number 3

I was able to fix the issue. I did fwconsole ma upgradeall and it was fine after that.

Did you download the most current ISO and install with that or did you install a previous ISO? This is sounding like your system is out of date with the yum updates.

SNG7 was released before Asterisk v16 was available so the version check function in retrieve_conf doesn’t have 16 as one of the viable version checks because it didn’t exist. This is what I have on my SNG7 boxes that are running some of the more current yum updates:

$version = $engineinfo['version'];
if (version_compare($version, "11", "lt") || version_compare($version, "17", "ge")) {
        fatal(_("Running an unsupported version of Asterisk. Supported Asterisk versions: 11, 13, 14, 15, 16. Detected Asterisk version: ".$version));

Note this already has Asterisk 17 set as the highest version it can support (even though the output misses listing it). Anything less than Asterisk 11 will fail anything higher than 17 will fail.

Even on this old Distro 6 (FreePBX v13) box the check is:

$version = $engineinfo['version'];
if ((version_compare($version, "11") < 0) || version_compare($version, "16", "ge")) {
        fatal(_("Running an unsupported version of Asterisk. Supported Asterisk versions: 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. Detected Asterisk version: ".$version));

Even this check includes 16 as its highest version check. Make sure you have all the latest updates for both the modules and the system.

As it stands, the system can see you are on Asterisk 16 but I’m going to guess the version validation is only set with 15 as its highest version to check.

custom]# yum upgrade
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
No packages marked for update

custom]# cat /etc/system-release
Sangoma Linux release 7.5.1805 (Core)

I wouldn’t have been able to version switch to 16.4.1 if it wasn’t completely up to date…

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