Is there anyway to get a ring group to terminate to paging group sound a tone and terminate?
I’m looking to replicate the indoor doorphone chime of a proprietary system
Yes, but it might involve custom dialplan.
Firstly, can I confirm that you want a sounds played to the paged devices, with no connection to the caller, but, if someone answers the ring group, there will be a connection to the caller?
What kind of phones are you using? The easier way to do this would be to have to door phone call a ring group and on the ring group set custom alert info that triggers a custom ringtone on the phones. The custom ringtone would be a doorbell ringtone that you would need to load into the phones if they don’t ship with one already. Look to see if your phone’s support custom ringtone by alert-info.
The devices can ring as normal from the ring group but if the call goes unanswered it will page all phones with a ding dong to let users know that it was a doorphone call, also which door by setting different chimes for each door.
Using a mix of SIP phones. Testing on a Cisco 8865 3pcc.
Trunking to a Nortel BCM. Those are part of the ring group but definitely wont play a tone.
I’m removing the BST doorphones this week. So i’m trying to replicate the chime that plays to the page group phones if unanswered on the SIP door phones. Only the Freepbx phones would play, but that should be sufficient
I tried alert info for the ring group looks like it will only do it for sangoma and diggum phones.
I’ll dig around in the Cisco to see if there is any alert info tone.
That looks like it would play a doorbell sound on all phone instead of just normal ringing
The alert-info is available on many phones, but the drop down only contains options for Sangoma and Digium phones
But there is an option at the bottom of the list called “custom” that you can then type in whatever alert-info your phone requires. Not sure if Cisco 3PCC phone support alert-info for setting custom ringtones though as I’ve never used a 3PCC Cisco phone.
With that said, the other way that you could do this is if you purchase the Park Pro commercial module. Basically you would setup a new parking lot that is used just for the door phone and has a timeout of 1 second and then a timeout dest of hangup (or somewhere else, but I have hangup on mine like this). Then create a park and announce that uses the new parking lot and a page group of your choice (make sure the alert tone for the page group is set to the door chime) make sure on the park and announce you create that the paging options have announced park slot set to no, and the 3 page announcements set to none (although the first one may need to be a recording of a couple of seconds of silence).
Finally, once you have all that setup, set your ring group to fail over to the park and announcement and your door phone to call the ring group.
When the door phone calls the ring group, the phones will ring normal for however long the ring group is set to ring for, then the call will fail over the the park and announce. The phones will be paged with just the door chime sound (alert tone from the page group) and then the call will hangup.
I’ve not used this for a door phone application like this before, but I have used this before to create a customer service page. Pickup the handset of a ring down phone, it dials the page and announce code and automatically pages customer service to that area of the building and then hangs up the call.
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