retrieve_conf failed to sym lin

This is my first time to centos, and trying to see how astrisk will work over 3CX (Window based).

I installed the astrisknow beta + Freepbx. Upgraded several module as available on Freepbx and getting follwing error. Hoping someone else has got this error too and has a solution.

Symlink from modules failed

retrieve_conf failed to sym link:

/etc/asterisk/logger.conf from core/etc (Already exists, not a link)
This can result in FATAL failures to your PBX. If the target file exists and not identical, the symlink will not occur and you should rename the target file to allow the automatic sym link to occur and remove this error, unless this is an intentional customization.

Please help !!!I don’t know what to do…

deleted /var/www/html/admin/modules/core/etc/logger.conf and now it fiexed the problem