Restore from FreePBX to

I am attempting to restore a backup from a FreePBX instance to a new FreePBX instance and I am receiving the following error when attempting the restore:

Running with: /usr/sbin/fwconsole backup --restore=’/var/spool/asterisk/backup/uploads/20200804-000001-1596513601-’ --transaction=‘8f4e18c1-7740-4b5c-bba2-9ba089000216’
Determining backup file type…type is legacy
Legacy CDR Restore Option: 0
Starting restore job with file: /var/spool/asterisk/backup/uploads/20200804-000001-1596513601-
Extracting backup…
Loading manifest to memory
Loading astdb to memory
Parsing out SQL tables. This may take a moment depending on backup size.
Found 2 database files in the backup.
File named: /tmp/backup/8f4e18c1-7740-4b5c-bba2-9ba089000216/mysql-2.sql.gz
Detected file /tmp/backup/8f4e18c1-7740-4b5c-bba2-9ba089000216/mysql-2.sql.gz as the PBX (Asterisk) database. Attempting restore
Extracting supplied database file mysql-2.sql.gz
Loading supplied database file mysql-2.sql
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near “)”: syntax error

Can anyone point me in the right direction as to why this may be happening? The research that I did beforehand pointed me in the direction of turning on the edge repositories and doing a full module update, however, that didn’t solve my problem.

Thank you!

Bump… Can anyone offer any advice to this error? Thank you.

If the error is reproducable using the current edge version of the backup and restore module ( then please open a bug ticket. There must be something in the tarball that is causing the problem, and it may be necessary to share the tarball with development staff to nail down.

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