Relocated to a new address. Now cannot make outbound calls

Dear Friends,

We have relocated our small office to another address. We are connected to a SIP trunk provider with 5 extensions. ISP and static IP changed. SIP trunk provider is the same.

The freepbx installation and opnsense firewall had no change. I just changed external IP in FreePBX.

Now, I can get calls from outside. But, I cannot make any outbound calls.

Here is the full log file for an outbound call with “sip set debug on”.

I would appreciate any help. Could it be due to a closed port by the new ISP.

Thank you.

More info for the log file:
Extension IP:
SIP Trunk IP: siptrunkproviderIP
Office Public IP: freepbx-Ext-IP
Asterisk Info:
Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport Comedia ACL Port Status Description
200 (Unspecified) D Yes Yes A 0 UNKNOWN
201 (Unspecified) D Yes Yes A 0 UNKNOWN
202 (Unspecified) D Yes Yes A 0 UNKNOWN
203 (Unspecified) D Yes Yes A 0 UNKNOWN
205/205 D Yes Yes A 5060 OK (6 ms)
SIPTrunkName/xx2124000 siptrunkproviderIP Yes Yes 5060 OK (19 ms)
6 sip peers [Monitored: 2 online, 4 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]

opnsense rules:
IPv4 UDP siptrunkproviderIP2 * 5060 (SIP) * * SIP Port for SIP Trunk
IPv4 UDP siptrunkproviderIP/28 * 5060 (SIP) * * SIP Port Subnet for SIP Trunk
IPv4 UDP * * 10000 - 20000 * * RTP for SIP OPEN

Did you check the NAT settings and click on Detect Network Settings button?

Thank you for your help.

NAT is “yes”. Clicked “Detect Network Settings”. Same IP detected. Published and applied. But, the problem persists.

Reading your logs.

<--- SIP read from UDP:siptrunkproviderIP:5060 --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized

Everything is ok in the file: etc/hosts?

Check again your trunk settings. (from domain…Etc)

Also, I don’t if opensense is the same firewall as pfsense. In this case, try to flush the states.

Your log shows the address in the Via and Contact headers of the INVITE sent to the provider (it should show your public IP). I am guessing that this was the cause of the “SIP/2.0 403 Auth Failed (1)” response. Please check that in Asterisk SIP Settings, External Address and Local Networks are correctly set. Also, on the SIP Legacy Settings tab, you should have NAT set to Yes, IP Configuration set to Static IP, Override External IP set to (blank), and no Other SIP Settings that conflict.

Confirm that after changing any of the above, after Submit and Apply Config you restarted Asterisk (or the entire server).

Dear @franckdanard and @Stewart1,

Many thanks for your support.

It turned out a configuration problem on SIP Trunk provider. Today, it is fixed and all is OK now.

Best wishes.

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