Recruitment IVR with Quiz Questions randomly play

Hi Guys,

I want to develop an IVR for Recruitment Team which have set of multiple questions but we want to play 4 to 5 questions randomly on each call.

Is there any guide how this can be achieved?


I have a group of questions (20 to 50)
when some call our recruitment line they will hear only get 4 to 5 random Questions to Answer.

anyone can help on this?

Most of this could be done with Dynroutes, it’s a variation on what shows in this vid for the caller survey that appears at the end Introduction to Dynamic Routes VIdeo

With what you described, dynroutes will be complex, there will be one to keep track of the number of questions asked, a dynroute to play each question and another to keep track of answers, probably need dozens of separate dynroutes for this. I think if I was doing this, it would be all done in custom dialplan.

I have gone through the video. Do you really think that it will help me with this.

or if there is any other possibility I can achieve this with.

AGI? (Home - Asterisk Documentation)

any guidlines or any similar program already written

@lgaetz Is there a way that we can randomize the questions.

forexample if I have 10 to 20 of them but I want 5 to be randomly choosen per call.

With effort I could make this work with a combination of dynroutes and AGI, even with the random component, but the complexity goes way up with the number of different questions. If I was doing this, I would just start from scratch with either pure dialplan or an AGI.

Any guidelines with AGI or any already written code of same type which can be customized.
Really appreciate your guide in this regard.

Personally I think your situation is custom such that you will just have to learn the basic parts of AGI scripting or dialplan and build it from scratch.

The Wakeup Calls module has AGI scripts written in PHP that do some good caller interaction. You can see how to play files and accept input, so someone comfortable with PHP will probably be able to proceed from that starting point.

You could also do the entire thing in asterisk dialplan if you’re more comfortable there.

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you might have to do some of your own trial/dev work on this bespoke black-magic you’re asking for.

HAHAH Nice. Black Magic is the only difficult thing :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

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