Rant: What's the problem with EL7/8/9?

OK so in Asterisk v19 saw removal of things in Asterisk and things like app_macro and chan_sip are noload which means they don’t compile/install unless told to. So you did make sure all the noload modules were compiled and installed, correct? As well, FreePBX 15 doesn’t have PHP 7.x support. Only FreePBX 16+ will have PHP 7.x support right now.

Actually this one was a wrong on me thought I had used the freepbx v16 download link, looking to history I took the wrong version. This was supposed to be 16!

chan_sip has been superseded and app_macro as well by another module, apparently according to the asterisk information by app_stack. seems app_macro was deprecated in v16 of asterisk. (I’ve still enabled it as available documentation say its required).

Just to make sure I’m getting it right, freepbx is not compatible with the app_stack module, but rather requires app_macro … is that it?

That’s not right at all. FreePBX just still rely’s on app_macro outside of the Gosub (app_stack). Most of the things that are deprecated have been deprecated for a very, very long time. Asterisk has given people plenty of time to move away so now a couple dozen things that should have been gone a long time ago are being taken out between now and v21.

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No. The Macro application is deprecated as a whole. The process actually started around Asterisk 1.6, although a later version is shown. probably because the original deprecation happened before the current procedure for deprecation was written, and also because of FreePBX holding out.

Macro was expunged from the sample extensions.conf a long time ago.

If you look carefully at the logs these days, you will get this warning the first time that you use Macro():

Once you have a solid selinux configuration you are happy with, maybe work with @lgaetz to update documentation on manual install processes. The project is always interested in pulling in subject matter experts to assist with documentation. Great way to give back to OSS.

dnf install -y policycoreutils-python-utils
ausearch -m avc,user_avc -ts recent|today|yesterday etc
# OR
ausearch -c 'php-fpm'
# to see hits
# can also use journalctl
journalctl -t setroubleshoot --since=14:20
# can use the -f flag to follow the log
# using audit2allow:
ausearch -c 'php-fpm' --raw | audit2allow -M freepbx-phpfpm

It will generate two files, one .pp to run with semodule that will apply the rules, and one .te that is user readable.
Start on permissive, audit, apply, test, enforce.

On journalctl the hits come with an uuid for an alert. You can see the details of each with
sealert -l message_uuid

I’ve been travelling all week, so I haven’t kept up to date on most threads. I was tagged further up about the possibility of accepting community documentation, and comments about some shortcomings in the project docs.

We do have the community doc project described here. Anyone who wishes to provide anything even remotely related to asterisk/freepbx is encouraged to do so. Ping me and I will get you set up with a wiki page.

If there are specific things noted above that need improvement in the project wiki for the freepbx, I would appreciate it if they could be summarized in a single post, or better yet open a ticket with same at issues.freepbx.org

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Could you repeat that?

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