
The commercial Module and store has not been officially released yet.

We are working on cleaning up bugs in the modules from them being designed to work in our commercial version of FreePBX called PBXact and asterisk 1.4 to stock FreePBX 2.9 and Asterisk 1.8. The great news is the modules will now work in both setups.

We have about 90% of them all working. We plan on releasing the store and modules for purchase in May. Probably just in time for the upcoming OTTS. We do have 2 of them in Beta testing with FreePBX Distro customers as we speak.

Also only 3 spots left at the upcoming OTTS.

As far as users seeing status you should look into the FOP2 software with FreePBX module.

I have had my head up my a** the last two weeks and have not looked at the latest commits. It may already be in the repo. If not it’s a simple download.

Each user has an individual account on FOP2.

An interim step until a GUI util is added for iptables is to use the APF firewall. I will put together a step by step install. It interfaces to iptables and has a friendly front end (still text though).

Hey Tony,

Firstly - great job with the Distro! I’m looking at the migration of ALL our customers away from Trixbox to the FreePBX ISO.

Secondly, Can you please point me in the correct direction of where to configure fail2ban via the GUI? I must be missing something silly I’m sure?

Lastly, Any time line on the ISO becoming release? We don’t implement any Beta code on customers sites…

Thanks Again

Well to me that is a big security issue. We setup FreePBX to have a single menu and you would not want to expose anything that does not require a password.

Under the module called sysadmin. There is a section called Intrustion Detection.

We plan on going final release once the 2.9 GUI goes final.

Did not see that, this rocks!!

The community have been waiting for this for SO long!!!..

Just one comment if I may - one of the most useful features in Trixbox was the ability for users to be able to look at the status of trunks and extensions without having to get into the FreePBX menu.

Have you thought about, from our front menu being able to create a link to the FreePBX module (/admin/config.php?type=tool&display=asteriskinfo) or even better the ability for us (installers) to add to the front menu options?

Just a thought, but amazing job!