Problem with Time Conditions

If have the following time condition:

include => timeconditions-custom
exten => 1,1,GotoIfTime(02:00-10:00,,,?ext-queues,7000,1)
exten => 1,n,Goto(timeconditions,3,1)
exten => 2,1,GotoIfTime(18:00-02:00,
exten => 2,n,Goto(timeconditions,1,1)
exten => 3,1,GotoIfTime(10:00-18:00,,,?ext-queues,7001,1)
exten => 3,n,Goto(timeconditions,2,1)
exten => 7,1,GotoIfTime(22:00-21:59,fri-sat,
exten => 7,n,Goto(timeconditions,1,1)

The Inbound-route has the destination Timegroup 7.
If it is between Friday 22.00h and Saturday 22.00h the call should be redirected to the voice box. If not the call is redirected to the other time conditions.
Problem is, that the system seems not to use the weekdays.
If I call right now (Friday, 15:26h), the call is getting redirected to the Voicebox.
If I change the configuration to:

exten => 7,1,GotoIfTime(22:00-23:59,fri-sat,,?ext-local,vmu8000,1)
exten => 7,n,Goto(timeconditions,1,1)

It is working fine. Perhaps because the time is not going over to the next day.

Has any body an idea how to solve that?



double checked with this conditions without going over to the next day.
(see 8+9)
This way is workig…so it is problem with going to the next day in one condition!

include => timeconditions-custom
exten => 1,1,GotoIfTime(02:00-10:00,,,?ext-queues,7000,1)
exten => 1,n,Goto(timeconditions,3,1)
exten => 2,1,GotoIfTime(18:00-02:00,
exten => 2,n,Goto(timeconditions,1,1)
exten => 3,1,GotoIfTime(10:00-18:00,,,?ext-queues,7001,1)
exten => 3,n,Goto(timeconditions,2,1)
exten => 8,1,GotoIfTime(22:00-23:59,fri,
exten => 8,n,Goto(timeconditions,9,1)
exten => 9,1,GotoIfTime(00:00-21:59,sat,
exten => 9,n,Goto(timeconditions,1,1)