Possible Err or in FreePBX 14.0

Good afternoon,

I have just successful installed Asterisk 15.3.0 and FreePBX 14.0.

There would appear to be an error in the .htaccess file located in /admin directory. The wrapper for the the RewriteEngine is missing:

I updated the file to correct the error and now I am getting: “You have 1 tampered files” error.

How do I correct this error.

Thanking all in advance.


Install rewrite.

Thanks Andrew for you response. I have updated the file and enclosed the rewrite rule in the appropriate .htaccess IfModule mod_rewrite.c wrapper. Now FreePBX is complaining because the signature dosen’t match, hence the tampered file error message.

Have I missed something that will re generate the signature for the file.


No you didn’t follow directions. Install mod_rewrite on your system.