Pm2 Install/update failing

Got a call with some issues with a system. It showed that pm2 was Disabled: Pending Upgrade to

Ditto for two other modules that depended on pm2.

Tried to install pm2 and the install failed.

Looks like there has been some automatic updating going on. It keeps retrying to do this each morning.

The critical lines in the logs in /home/asterisk/.npm/_logs seem to be:

115 error request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate

Full log:

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ ‘/usr/bin/node’,
1 verbose cli ‘/usr/bin/npm’,
1 verbose cli ‘install’,
1 verbose cli ‘–only=production’ ]
2 info using [email protected]
3 info using [email protected]
4 verbose npm-session e45d8a99517ca27c
5 silly install runPreinstallTopLevelLifecycles
6 silly preinstall [email protected]
7 info lifecycle [email protected]~preinstall: [email protected]
8 silly install loadCurrentTree
9 silly install readLocalPackageData
10 silly install loadIdealTree
11 silly install cloneCurrentTreeToIdealTree
12 silly install loadShrinkwrap
13 silly install loadAllDepsIntoIdealTree
14 http fetch GET 304 811ms (from cache)
15 silly pacote remote manifest for pm2@ fetched in 972ms
16 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
17 warn registry Unexpected warning for Miscellaneous Warning UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE: request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate
18 warn registry Using stale package data from due to a request error during revalidation.
19 http fetch GET 200 500ms (from cache)
20 http fetch GET 200 508ms (from cache)
21 http fetch GET 200 503ms (from cache)
22 http fetch GET 200 503ms (from cache)
23 http fetch GET 200 517ms (from cache)
24 http fetch GET 200 521ms (from cache)
25 http fetch GET 200 542ms (from cache)
26 silly pacote range manifest for async@^2.5 fetched in 591ms
27 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
28 http fetch GET 200 557ms (from cache)
29 silly pacote range manifest for chokidar@^2 fetched in 577ms
30 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
31 silly pacote range manifest for blessed@^0.1.81 fetched in 586ms
32 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
33 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 580ms
34 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
35 silly pacote range manifest for cli-table-redemption@^1.0.0 fetched in 585ms
36 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
37 silly pacote range manifest for chalk@^1.1 fetched in 600ms
38 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
39 http fetch GET 200 595ms (from cache)
40 http fetch GET 200 598ms (from cache)
41 silly pacote range manifest for cron@~1.3.0 fetched in 606ms
42 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
43 silly pacote range manifest for debug@^3.0 fetched in 611ms
44 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
45 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 693ms
46 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
47 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 720ms
48 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
49 http fetch GET 200 317ms (from cache)
50 http fetch GET 200 339ms (from cache)
51 http fetch GET 200 356ms (from cache)
52 silly pacote range manifest for moment@^2.19 fetched in 374ms
53 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
54 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 393ms
55 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
56 http fetch GET 200 373ms (from cache)
57 http fetch GET 200 374ms (from cache)
58 http fetch GET 200 382ms (from cache)
59 http fetch GET 200 363ms (from cache)
60 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 396ms
61 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
62 http fetch GET 200 371ms (from cache)
63 http fetch GET 200 302ms (from cache)
64 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 416ms
65 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
66 silly pacote range manifest for pm2-axon-rpc@^0.5.1 fetched in 403ms
67 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
68 silly pacote range manifest for pidusage@^1.2.0 fetched in 433ms
69 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
70 silly pacote range manifest for pm2-deploy@^0.3.9 fetched in 426ms
71 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
72 silly pacote range manifest for pm2-multimeter@^0.1.2 fetched in 361ms
73 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
74 http fetch GET 200 365ms (from cache)
75 silly fetchPackageMetaData error for [email protected] request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate
76 silly pacote range manifest for pmx@^1.6 fetched in 436ms
77 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
78 http fetch GET 200 267ms (from cache)
79 http fetch GET 200 253ms (from cache)
80 http fetch GET 200 234ms (from cache)
81 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 288ms
82 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
83 silly pacote range manifest for semver@^5.3 fetched in 276ms
84 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
85 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 262ms
86 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
87 http fetch GET 200 227ms (from cache)
88 http fetch GET 200 236ms (from cache)
89 http fetch GET 200 251ms (from cache)
90 silly pacote range manifest for v8-compile-cache@^1.1.0 fetched in 257ms
91 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
92 silly pacote range manifest for source-map-support@^0.5 fetched in 261ms
93 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
94 http fetch GET 200 241ms (from cache)
95 silly pacote version manifest for [email protected] fetched in 281ms
96 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
97 http fetch GET 200 242ms (from cache)
98 silly pacote range manifest for vizion@^0.2 fetched in 251ms
99 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
100 silly pacote range manifest for yamljs@^0.3.0 fetched in 247ms
101 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
102 http fetch GET 200 613ms (from cache)
103 silly pacote remote manifest for gkt@ fetched in 633ms
104 silly resolveWithNewModule [email protected] checking installable status
105 silly saveTree [email protected]
105 silly saveTree -- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree +-- [email protected] 105 silly saveTree |[email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree ±- [email protected]
105 silly saveTree `-- [email protected]
106 verbose type system
107 verbose stack FetchError: request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate
107 verbose stack at ClientRequest.req.on.err (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/pacote/node_modules/make-fetch-happen/node_modules/node-fetch-npm/src/index.js:68:14)
107 verbose stack at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
107 verbose stack at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:211:7)
107 verbose stack at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:387:9)
107 verbose stack at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
107 verbose stack at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:211:7)
107 verbose stack at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)
107 verbose stack at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
107 verbose stack at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
108 verbose cwd /var/www/html/admin/modules/pm2/node
109 verbose Linux 3.10.0-862.9.1.el7.x86_64
110 verbose argv “/usr/bin/node” “/usr/bin/npm” “install” “–only=production”
111 verbose node v8.11.3
112 verbose npm v5.6.0
115 error request to failed, reason: unable to verify the first certificate
116 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

Problem solved: There was an issue with the internet and it seems that routing to some resource that pm2 needed failed.

This resulted in pm2 and and 2 or 3 three other modules being disabled.

Problem resolved once internet sorted.

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