The error on line 11 is unable to connect to asterisk manager. The manager password in the database doesn’t match the password in manager.conf.
Pjsip extensions are disappearing from the interface because freepbx can’t determine the version of asterisk. So it defaults to chan sip.
Sure. But a broad claim of “very buggy” should be backed up by actual facts. Because others in the future will reference this thread and not use pjsip “because dicko said so”. We should be presenting facts. Not opinions. Does it have bugs. Sure. Is it “very buggy”. Not at all.
I have issues with these statements because they are so broad and it appears the person (could be anyone claiming ‘very buggy’) who says it isn’t actually doing anything to help digium out other than spreading rumors and false information about technologies.
If someone feels it’s so buggy then go out and report some bugs to digium.
Therefore I will always sidetrack or derail a conversation if I see a broad statement made with no facts behind it. Have facts? Fine. Did you report them to digium???
Last year at the digium Astricon developers conference I stated to the developers that the community (freepbx community) thinks pjsip is “very buggy”. The asterisk team was shocked. They hadn’t judged that from their own bug tracker. Here we are a year later and I see false claims like this and it’s aggravating. I will be going back in October to report the same thing and digium will tell me “Where’s the bugs”
My reply. “Sorry my community is lazy?”
You tell me