PJSIP Outgoing call problem

Only the way to fix that issue to make a PCAP and to see when is Option send and which side is not responding back… and call drops.

This example command will help you to make a PCAP
tcpdump -s0 -iany -w/tmp/capture-Started-date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%Z.pcap -C100 udp

Okay, I have the .pcap file but I don’t know how to read it. Can I upload it to you?

Pls update here your PCAP and everyone can be see and check your issue.

I believe I have found the alternative. The problem is that the Vodafone Station continuously connects to the SIP Trunk, so the connection is interrupted because the station has priority on Vodafone’s servers. Therefore, the solution would be to use the IP address of your own router (in my case as the SIP address while using random username and password. I can make calls from Zoiper this way, but I still can’t do it from FreePBX as I keep getting the message “The number is not responding,” and on sngrep I see this: is the IP of my router (Vodafone Station) is the IP of my FreePBX is the IP of my VOIP phone

480 Temporarily Not available
Call is rejected by provider/end device. In this case please check with the provider. You have to deal with Vodafone.

Solved by setting From User with same value of username

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