Pip3 in FreePBX v16?

I think I got it!! :grin:

yum install python36u-pip
ln -s /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

From there, the pip3 command and the certutils script will run.

Now all I need to figure out is where exactly to save these certificates in the Sangoma OS filesystem. The instructions on the site want to save the System Administrator Security Token (SAST) at /etc/ssl/private/sast.pem, but /etc/ssl/private does not exist in the distro. I am going to assume I can save it in /etc/pki/tls/certs/ or possibly /etc/asterisk/keys/. Any recommendations?

The same with the Apache webserver. The instructions want to save it at /etc/apache/ssl-certs/ but we don’t run Apache (httpd in the distro), so I assume to install them at /etc/pki/tls/certs. Thoughts?

For all tense and purposes I don’t think it matters where they are saved since the paths are configurable within the certificate utilities; I guess I am more concerned with these files disappearing or getting deleted due to where they are created and stored.