Pidging not showing XMPP status FreePBX V13.0.190.7

Hello,I am using Free V13.0.190.7 and installed prosody for the IM server and enabled XMPP presence in the FreePBX gui interface.

When I use Pidgin, it always shows available and does not change if the line is Busy/ect…

I am wondering if you guys can give me tips and help about troubleshooting the problems. Sorry for the lack of information, I’ll supply the information that is asked.


Set up a separate Ubuntu 16.04 box with ejabberd. I wasted my money a few months back on FreePBX’s “featureless” XMPP Pro jabber server.

ejabberd is pretty much ready to go after installation. Just need to configure certs and admin access. I haven’t looked back.

At its commercial time xmpp was only $25 dollars. Now it’s free.