Phones will not register after asterisk version change

Had an open ticket with support regarding frack errors that were occurring weekly. The system was still functioning, but sometimes the frack errors would coincide with asterisk being restarted.

Support mentioned: "The error messages are occurring because the task processor is overloaded. We have reduced the load on the task processor. "

After this, frack errors as well as a new error from phone_utils started happening ( ERROR[7937] phone_utils.c: Format ‘mac=%s;auth_flags=%d;data=%s;data_len=%d;ran=%s;contact=%s;uri=%s;cfgd=%d;ua=%s;client_cert=%s;origination_network=%s’ truncated. Wrote ‘2096’ with ‘3192’ remaining).

Earlier this week, they updated the asterisk version to 20.5 to see if this would fix the issue. This caused all phones to lose the custom image in epm, all programmed keys in UCP, as well as the extension contacts were all blank. Factory resetting the phones, would still provision the extension, a blank white area was now shown for the image but all other features would function including voicemail app etc.

Support yesterday evening downgraded asterisk to 18.9, and now phones will not register or provision and the logs are filled with:
201 [2024-09-07 08:21:58] WARNING[2766] pjproject: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 65535
202 [2024-09-07 08:23:58] WARNING[2766] pjproject: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 65535

I responded to the ticket, but the asterisk downgrade was done just before they closed for the weekend.

Any ideas on steps for trouble shooting this would be much appreciated.

Does anyone know if Sangoma has alternative support channels open on the weekend?

System info and versions
PBXact Appliance 25
PBX Version:
PBX Distro:12.7.8-2306-1.sng7
Asterisk Version:18.9

Phones and firmware version
Sangoma P330 4_23_2
Sangoma P370 4_23_2
Sangoma PM200 4_23_2

Just arrived on site, and the phones were all displaying:
"communication error
Timed out contacting proxy server. You can retry, and choose a new server, or reset any stored credentials and then retry. (automatic retry).

I took all phones offline, and connected only one.

I could see the phone try and register after a factory reset - and then the same message on the phone was displayed. during this the same warning/error was present in the logs - “WARNING[2766] pjproject: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 65535”

After setting “Allow dangerous unsigned SSL certificates” to enabled on my test phone P370 and saving and rebooting the phone registers…

my signed cert from LE which has been in use for ages, is set to default.
I imagine some setting was changed by support.
The image and contacts are displayed on the p370, but not on the second phone I enabled the unsigned cert option -p330 which has a pm200 sidecar (all blank or unknown was shown once) and a white place holder for the image set in epm.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

Alright so custom branded images and contacts are again working for the p330’s now, and ucp is back updating phones with newly added custom entries.

This is a bit concerning as the fix was to go over my documented settings which showed sangoma support had changed my destination address location (to external, it was internal, provisioning server protocol to http, was https, and provisioning server address again to external from internal.

my last issue is the ssl issue which requires “ Allow dangerous unsigned SSL certificates” to be enabled. for phones with this not enabled the following log is populated every few mins WARNING[2766] pjproject: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 65535” and the phone displays : "communication error
Timed out contacting proxy server. You can retry, and choose a new server, or reset any stored credentials and then retry. (automatic retry).

Anyone have ideas on this last issue?

This was resolved, by changing the certificate in use - > Asterisk SIP settings → sip settings [chan_pjsip] → TLS/SSL/SRTP → certificate manager - Changed the self signed cert to the named one being used for the dashboard and which was in use previously.

Could any of the settings mentioned have been changed by an asterisk upgrade?
Asking as this is probably the 3rd or fourth undocumented setting changed while sangoma support had VPN access to the PBX. Do they have internal reporting for what techs modify?

The last remaining item which support said was related to the DPMA module is from phone_utils during the digium phone module - dpma extension spawn or log spam? Have not seen phone_utils have this error log since yesterday, so maybe now that the cert is in play and the phones have been factory reset this will not occur.

[2024-09-14 14:50:18] ERROR[2232] phone_utils.c: Format ‘mac=%s;auth_flags=%d;data=%s;data_len=%d;ran=%s;contact=%s;uri=%s;cfgd=%d;ua=%s;client_cert=%s;origination_network=%s’ truncated. Wrote ‘2096’ with ‘3191’ remaining
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] ERROR[2232] phone_utils.c: Format ‘mac=%s;auth_flags=%d;data=%s;data_len=%d;ran=%s;contact=%s;uri=%s;cfgd=%d;ua=%s;client_cert=%s;origination_network=%s’ truncated. Wrote ‘2096’ with ‘3192’ remaining
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:1] Set(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “MESSAGE(custom_data)=mark_all_outbound”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:2] Set(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “TMP_RESPONSE_URI=pjsip:;transport=tls”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:3] Set(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “MESSAGE_DATA(Request-URI)=”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:4] Set(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “MESSAGE_DATA(X-Digium-AppServer-Response-URI)=”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:5] Set(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “MESSAGE_DATA(X-Digium-AppServer-Response-FullContact)=”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:6] MessageSend(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “pjsip:;transport=tls,proxy”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Executing [digium_phone_module@dpma_pjsip_message_context:7] Hangup(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “”) in new stack
[2024-09-14 14:50:18] VERBOSE[16300][C-0000000c] pbx.c: Spawn extension (dpma_pjsip_message_context, digium_phone_module, 7) exited non-zero on ‘Message/ast_msg_queue’

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