Phonebook usable with D-Link phones

Hello All,

I hope you are doing fine.

I have installed a freepbx server and its working very very good. We are very satisfied except the phonebook of which I have no information at all.

I am using D-link dph150se, is there a possibility that I can upload my phonebook on the freepbx server and access it via the phones ?



You will need the format the phone expects the XML directory to be in. If you can produce that (try downloading or exporting one from the phone’s UI), I can provide a directory script for you.

I will do that tomorrow.

Hi Cullenl

Many thanks for your reply. I have shared the contact xml file which is downloaded from the Phone. However, I think that this is a static and local list of the contacts which is on phone, means that when there is a change in the asterisk phonebook, it will not be updated in the phone. What I want is a real time like phonebook. If there is a change in the server, it should also be changed in the phone.

Please check this screenshot. I dont know how it works, but it should work :smile:
I assume that it works with Asterisk Phonebook (in the admin module in Freepbx) What credentials should I put in to make this work?


Let me have a look, and I’ll get back to you soon.

Many thanks

Any message for me?

Please reply

Dear Cullenl,

I am anxiously waiting for your reply…

Please help me.

Sorry, been busy with things. Soon, though.


me = Waiting :slight_smile:

please do reply.


any help for me ?


I am waiting