Packets not being processed by Asterisk on Debian 12

Maybe stupid question: Do you guys also use the combination:

  • Debian 12.2
  • Asterisk 18 or 20
  • FreePBX

Or is this too new?

How did you install all this?

Spun up Debian 12 netinst → Used the FreePBX 17 installation script (GitHub - FreePBX/sng_freepbx_debian_install: FreePBX 17 Installation Script) to make live easier.

PS: Sorry, I’m running Debian 12.9 (not 12.2)

And how did you get on Asterisk 18 or 20?

Using asterisk-version-switch :slight_smile:

No other ideas? Pretty lost here what could cause this…
Are you guys also running FPBX 17 on Debian 12?

Anyone running FreePBX v17 is running it on Debian 12. These issues don’t exist on the v17 systems I have.

So none of the endpoints can register or make calls either?

From an Asterisk perspective, we haven’t gotten any reports directly/via FreePBX/anywhere of things like this.

I found this similar post in the Asterisk forum… from end of last year:

Here it seems you suggested taking a backtrace, but can you please clarify how I can take one on my FPBX system using ast_coredumper? (without compiling Asterisk?)

Correct yes… Asterisk suddenly stops processing SIP packets. (they seem stuck in the kernel buffer)

@kgupta What is the current method for getting a backtrace with FreePBX 17 on Debian?

We are yet to push asterisk-debug info packages for the Debian platform. We have internal Jira for this , will try to release the package asap.

Best Regards

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