Overriding Caller ID

I am using ABTO VoIP SIP SDK which has a method to temporary override existing displayName/callerid. I tried testing it out but it did not work for me. I am assuming there is some configuration in my freepbx server that I have not accounted for. I am using FreePBX 17.

Method allows to temporary override existing
displayName (caller id), configured for current account, with new value.
int connectionId = Phone.StartCallEx(destination, “CallerId”);
Generated header:
From: "CallerId"sip:user@domain;tag=xxxxxx

Have you checked this settings on your PBX ?

They were both set to “Yes”. I tried changing them from Yes and No, Then No and Yes, and No and No. However, there was no changes.

The extension number is 500.

I’m trying to set the caller id as this.

int connId = AbtoPhone.StartCallEx(500, “Testing”);

What I am trying to do is have it where if I push one button my softphone will make a call role playing as Fire Department so that my caller id shows up as Fire Department or I hit a different button and my caller id shows up as Police Department using the same extension. Which I’m not sure this is possible.

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