I am using ABTO VoIP SIP SDK which has a method to temporary override existing displayName/callerid. I tried testing it out but it did not work for me. I am assuming there is some configuration in my freepbx server that I have not accounted for. I am using FreePBX 17.
Method allows to temporary override existing
displayName (caller id), configured for current account, with new value.
int connectionId = Phone.StartCallEx(destination, “CallerId”);
Generated header:
From: "CallerId"sip:user@domain;tag=xxxxxx
What I am trying to do is have it where if I push one button my softphone will make a call role playing as Fire Department so that my caller id shows up as Fire Department or I hit a different button and my caller id shows up as Police Department using the same extension. Which I’m not sure this is possible.