Outbound Route Recording Always Reverts to "NO"

In FreePBX, I cannot change Connections > Oubound Routes > Additional Settings in Admin GUI. Whatever changes I make to Recordings are ignored. When I click submit, there is no error. When I load the route again, my changes are gone. If I make a copy of the route, I can change the copy.

Anyone else experiencing this? Or know of a f fix? Is it a 15 bug?

Can you tell us the version of the ‘core’ module on your system? You can find this from the Admin->Module Admin page, or from the command line with 'fwconsole ma list".

Core is

I deleted the offending route. I could not find how recording preference for outbound is stored in database, but condition persisted after database repair and optimize. My first guess was something locking that record, but I could find no evidence of that and I could delete the route in the GUI, so record probably not locked. So, I’m out of guesses.

I can’t say I’ve ran into anything like that yet, so your guess is as good as mine. If you continue to have issues, I’d try updating your core module, and go from there, or see if there’s a difference after doing a “fwconsole chown”.

Check the /var/log/asterisk/full log. Every time this is toggled, there’s a line in the call PID to show what is happening.

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