OSS End Point Manager Error

Trying to search / download templates for my PBX (which is btw, for educational purposes only). Upon clicking the “Check for Update”, a huge wall of code shows up (see image).

Do we have a known fix or any other way to download templates? Sorry, I am a newbie.

Someone else found this last week and (IIRC) ended up changing the code by removing one of the zeroes in the “min(100…0)” bit.

What version are you using?

It’s fixed in edge by @xrobau

I think the edge version is the same as the stable version,, and the issue still persists.

[root@freepbx ~]# fwconsole ma --edge upgrade endpointman
Edge repository temporarily enabled
No repos specified, using: [standard,extended] from last GUI settings

Starting endpointman download…
Processing endpointman
Verifying local module download…Verified
Module endpointman successfully downloaded
Endpoint Manager Installer
Update Version Number to
Generating CSS…Done
Module endpointman successfully installed
Updating Hooks…Done
Updating Hooks…Done

Hi, it’s version