One Day of Lost Data on Trac

For those of you who keep a close eye on the development site you will notice that some data has just been deleted. I unfortunately corrupted the database in error trying to remove some profanities in some ticket comments. I restored it to the last snapshot that was taken which is about 3/4 of a day old. There should be nothing major lost.

This means that any new tickets or ticket updates that were submitted will be gone, as well as any wiki changes that may have been placed on the development site today. There were 3 new tickets filed from two users who have both been contacted and should be resubmitting those tickets shortly. Any comments on existing tickets will have been lost.

My apologies for any inconveniences that this may have caused, please re-enter any important ticket information that you may find missing. (Luckily, it appeared to have been a fairly quiet day). The corruption will not have effected anything on the main website.


Thanks to the quick response of the two user’s who’s tickets had been accidentally deleted, all the new tickets are back on the system.